Monday, February 27, 2012

Inspirational Bits & Pieces

Life is a bit of a blur at the moment - I feel as though I am constantly trying to do six things at once - but the following two sources of inspiration are enough to get me back at this computer. 

The first is this speech that I stumbled across on TED (love TED!) by Sheryl Sandberg, "Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders." It is estimated that, when Facebook IPOs later this year (Sandberg is currently COO and therefore a large stock/option holder), her wealth will be close to US$2bn, making her the second wealthiest self made woman in the USA, pretty impressive stuff. What she has to say in this speech is fantastic and really struck a chord with me.  I especially loved her remarks about women and men who share the housework and childcare when both work full time - something to aspire to! Would definitely recommend listening to her speech - she's succinct, funny and passionate.

The second is a website that I recently discovered - The Glow.  Violet Gaynor and Kelly Stuart have interviewed and photographed beautifully NYC creative Mums and their children.  The photography is just stunning and the very real words from the families are heartfelt and honest.  The interiors aren't bad either!! My favourite series of photographs are those of Christine Lemieux, Cynthia Rowley and Laura Garcia and a few of my favourite images are below. Laura Garcia's home is a bit gorgeous and was recently featured also here in Vogue.  Word on the street is that Garcia's NYC apartment will also be featured in the upcoming March/April issue of Lonny, whose management BTW has announced it will thereafter be a monthly publication, hooray!