Sunday, August 21, 2011

Martha Martha Martha

Perfect nests of perfect white bowls

Nesting heightens your focus on the minutia - the things that didn't seem important two weeks ago (like matching tea towels and rearranging my husband's shoes!) are suddenly critical! I love Martha Stewart - the images in her magazines and on her websites are so often something to aspire to - although sometimes they are so overwhelmingly obsessive in their perfection that they freak me out.  These images to inspire "kitchen organisation" are just a tad over the top....even in my nesting panic I can see that I don't have the time and money to devote to such crazy detail! 

Trays, strainers, tea towels and perfect custom joinery

A place for trays painted to match the joinery.

Wow. Cutlery perfectly arranged.

Label makers are perfect for OCD sufferers. This stationery drawer is without fault. 

Who owns this many rolling pins????

This drawer is amazing. Enough said. 

Blockaholics Disappointed

Josh & Jenna's Winning Kitchen (via ninemsn)

My husband and I would certainly qualify as Blockoholics in 2011 - we have not missed an episode thanks to Foxtel IQ and series linking! We were so disappointed, however, with last night's results at auction.  I so loved Josh & Jenna and Katrina & Amie - were were hoping for better outcomes for both of our favourite couples! I hate to say that Polly and Waz didn't deserve to win but, well....I really don't think that they did!  In tribute, here are just a few of my favourite images of the houses that were passed in on Saturday evening (so sad!).

Katrina & Amie's Industrial Open Plan Kitchen/Living/Dining Room

Josh and Jenna's Kitchen

Josh & Jenna's Kitchen

Katrina & Amie's Winning Living Room

Calm Before The Storm

Martha Stewart

I am sorry that it has been so long between posts. I have finished up with work and am enjoying my couple of weeks of maternity leave before bubba is due to arrive.  My days have been filled with last minute admin, pram repairs, cooking up meals for freezing, cleaning out every drawer and cupboard in the house (!!), catching up with girlfriends and organising the nursery (will post later on with some before photos of the nursery).  It really is true what they say about has been a huge change of pace since leaving my desk in the CBD but busy nonetheless!

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

I have also been trying to take advantage of some quiet down time and catch up on some reading, both blogs and novels!  It really is a waiting game doctor tells me that I'm at least a few weeks away so plenty of time for a few more posts before then....XX